Pyramiden: Svalbard’s ghost town

5 Days

We present you our group travel to Pyramiden, that can be reached only via a 2 hours long cruise from Longyearbyen! Pyramiden was inhabited by russian miners up to 1998 and it takes is toponym from the pyramidal mountain on the background. The hamlet was abandoned in 1998 when the 300 inhabitants were asked to leave within 4 months. Half of them decided to move to Svalbard, in Barentsburg, other moved to Russia and Ucrain. The last inhabitants left on the 10th October 1998.

Starting from 1991, after Soviet Union’s dissolution, Moskow diminished fundings, so Pyramiden began decading up to the last straw: Vnukovo Airlines accident. The flight 2801 from Moskow, crashed over Pyramiden on 29th august 1996, and 130 inhabitans died.

According to research, due to the very cold weather, the decadence of building is really slow so it is probable that they will be still intact even 500 years after humanity’s extinction. Probably Pyramiden will be the last city on the Earth to deteriorate.

Request the full program in the form below

<li><strong>Difficulty</strong>’: middle due to the weather</li>
<li><strong>Weather</strong>: autumn</li>
<li><b>Photo tour leading:</b>
Francesca Dani upon request</li>
<li><strong>Treatment</strong>: Bed &amp; Breakfast</li>
<li><strong>Nations</strong>: Svalbard (Norwey)</li>
<li><b>Places</b>: Longyearbyen, Pyramiden</li>
<li><strong>Highlights</strong>: Pyramiden’s ghost town, glacier, cruise, local fauna, trekking.</li>

  • Upon request


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