Pre-tour information
You are about to travel to Lapland. You’ve purchased your tour, customized it according to your needs, and are already looking forward to experiencing the Five Senses of Lapland.
The Nordic countries are a safe and healthy destination, with good infrastructure and low levels of crime. This, combined with our deep experience of the territory, should make your holiday pleasant and hassle-free, whether you’re looking for relaxation with your family or for an adventurous tour Into The Wild.
However, there are a few things that you should know before you set out to enjoy your trip.
The weather: even though the weather here is milder than people normally think, you should be prepared for some extremes. During the summer, it is not uncommon to witness the temperature hover above 30C (86F) or fall down to 10C (50F). In wintertime, temperatures usually are between -5C (23F) and -20C (-13F), though extremes of +5C (41F) and -40C (-40F) are recorded almost every year. July is normally the rainiest month, and the winter months of January and February are among the driest.
Clothes: when planning your luggage consider that buildings are usually kept very warm, even in winter. Indoor temperatures of 22-24 degrees are not uncommon, so always carry something light below that you can wear indoors. For the autumn and winter months, good water-resistant clothes that do not hamper your movements are the best you can bring. It’s important to always wear gloves and a ear-covering hat during the coldest periods. Local males wear heavy stockings (much like women’s) during the coldest months, so why not try do the same? Jeans are not warm enough!
Insects: they can be a real annoyance during the summer, especially mosquitoes. They are mostly found in the countryside, and in swampy or forested areas their number can be mind-boggling. Always carry mosquito spray with you and never venture in the wild without having covered your skin with it. When camping, remember to bring your mosquito net, otherwise you won’t sleep well!
Sunlight and darkness: our extreme latitudes mean that the sun almost never sets during the late spring and early summer months (May to July) and never rises during the late autumn and early winter months (November to January). In the summer, this usually means difficulties in falling asleep at the right time. In the winter, don’t be fooled by thoughts that all this darkness will make you depressed: just try coming here during kaamos (autumn twilight) and you’ll discover a new world!
Driving: should you choose not to be accompanied by our chaffeur service, you have to remember to exercise caution when driving. In the summer, the main danger is posed by the changing weather, low sunlight and crossing wildlife (be especially wary of reindeer when in Lapland, as they have random behaviour when faced by cars). In the winter, ice, snow and frost can pose threats (winter tyres are compulsory in the Nordic Countries from around 1 November to around 30 April – exact dates change year by year and region by region).